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Class 3

Mrs Turner and Mrs Croshaw would like to welcome you to Class 3!

Every Friday your child will bring home spellings to learn linked to words we have been learning during the week. The children will be tested on these words the following Friday.


Spellings Week Beginning 11.09.23

These are the words that Year 2 need to be able to read and spell.

Our Learning


This term we are reading and focusing our learning around World War 1.

These are the books we are reading in English.




Please remember to bring your reading book each day.

A member of staff will change your child's reading book on a Friday.


Your child will also bring their whole class Guided Reading book on a Friday.





PE days are on  Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please bring your PE kit to school on a Monday and leave it in school until the end of the week.



Contact Mrs Turner

Contact Details and Useful Links
