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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 smiley


Hello and welcome to the year 4 page! Hopefully you will find all the information you need about learning in Year 4. If you have any other queries, please contact us using the form further down the page, I am also usually stood at the year 4 entrance at the end of every day. Thank you, Mr Curtis and Miss Coleman.


  • P.E. takes place on a Tuesday and children need to wear a suitable P.E. kit all day please. 
  • We currently swim weekly on Wednesday morning so please ensure they have the appropriate kit.
  • Reading books can be brought into school on a Wednesday to be changed.



  • Children should aim for 5 sessions a week to practise spellings and to read their school reading book at home. Spellings are tested on a Friday. 
  • Times Table Rockstar homework is also set weekly for them to complete. Times tables are important in year 4 because in the summer term there is a national times table check that tests children on questions from their 1 to 12 times tables.

Contact the Teacher- Mr Curtis

Contact Details and Useful Links
