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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Fay's class! 


Here you can find out some information about how we work in Year 3.

Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2 (Juniors), which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun themes. This term we will explore the Stone Age and Iron Age, learn about the human skeleton and look at what foods are good for us.

For more information about our curriculum in Year 3, please see the curriculum map below.




In Year 3 you will receive the following homework:

  • Reading - This should be done nightly and we will check reading diaries regularly to record progress.
  • Times table practise - This should again be happening regularly at home to make sure you are confident with the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8x tables.
  • Spellings - These will be set on a Friday  and tested on the following Friday. Please send the yellow spelling books back in every Friday for new spellings to be stuck in. 


General Reminders


  • PE: We have PE on Tuesday. Please make sure your child's NAMED kit is in school and if they have long hair we ask that it is tied back. Earrings should be studs only. 
  • Pencil cases: Children will not need a pencil case for their work in Year 3. We provide a school pencil case for each pupil in class.
  • Water bottles: Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle for the classroom, containing water only. 

Curriculum Map Autumn Term 1

Contact Mrs Bradshaw

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