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The Welbeck


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Admissions to the Federation

Nottinghamshire County Council’s (NCC) admission arrangements for 2025-2026 were approved on 5 February 2024.  Following a call-in period of 5 days, the arrangements are now determined and available on the public website:

Determined admission arrangements 2025-2026 | Nottinghamshire County Council


Determined admission arrangements 2023-2024


Determined admission arrangements 2024-2025


As The Welbeck Federation Of Schools is a local authority school they handle all of the admissions for us. You would apply through them using the link if your child is of statutory school age at:.

We are happy to answer any questions or have you visit us to help you decide.

If you would like a place to our nursery, please ring the office to add your child to the waiting list or to find out about our 30 hours provision.

Contact Details and Useful Links
