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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's class page!


Year 5's teacher is Mrs Kenney and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Short. 


We have P.E on a Monday and Thursday, and we are now getting changed at school again so you will need to bring your PE kit in a bag.  You can leave your bag at school if you want to.  


Every half term we have a new topic - more details are in the Curriculum Map documents below.  We are given new spellings on a Friday and we also have a spelling test on a Friday.  All of the children have a reading book which they should be bringing into school every day, along with their Reading Diary. 


If you have any questions just let me or Mrs Short know.


Mrs Kenney



It's really important that you read every week at home - we expect at least times every week.  An adult needs to sign your school organiser to show that you have read. We have a 'Reading Mileage' challenge in school and there are prizes for children who read regularly at home...!


Times Tables

Learning times tables off by heart is essential.  Every week, on a Friday, we have a times table test in school.  Children move through the tests as they improve their times tables.  



Spelling tests are on a Friday and children are given new spellings on a Friday too.  We do spend some time in class learning spellings but extra time at home is important too. 

There are lots of links below to websites and resources we use in class.  Have a look through! 

Contact Details and Useful Links
